School Visit Video
Xenia, Ohio school video of Mike Thaler by Jason Hofmann.
Mike Thaler Reads The Teacher From the Black Lagoon
In this interview, Mike Thaler reads aloud The Teacher From the Black Lagoon.
Mike Thaler Scholastic Interview (1 of 5)
In this interview, Mike Thaler discusses the Black Lagoon series, his inspiration for the books, and what he hopes kids might take away from the books.
Questions: What is the Black Lagoon series about? Where did the idea come from? What do you hope kids learn from the books?.
Mike Thaler Scholastic Interview (2 of 5)
In this interview, Mike Thaler discusses the steps to creating a picture book and collaborating with an illustrator.
Question: What are the steps in creating a book?
Mike Thaler Scholastic Interview (3 of 5)
In this interview, Mike Thaler discusses how he develops his characters.
Question: How are you like your characters?
Mike Thaler Scholastic Interview (4 of 5)
In this interview, Mike Thaler discusses his secret formula for writing riddles
Question: What is your formula for writing riddles?
Mike Thaler Scholastic Interview (5 of 5)
In this interview, Mike Thaler discusses how long he has been writing and how he got his start.
Questions: How long have you been a writer, and how did you get your start?
Mike Thaler – Tales From the Back Pew: Mission Trip Impossible
Tales From the Back Pew: Mission Trip Impossible
In this interview, Mike Thaler discusses how long he has been writing and how he got his start.
Questions: How long have you been a writer, and how did you get your start?